Adoption Update

The most up-to-date adoption news

There is reason for the term, “dirty adoption”.

We all here stories of dirty adoptions, mostly in the international adoption scene. We learned a few years back that Vietnam has closed its program due to the fact that many, many babies being adopted by foreigners were not actually available for adoption. The demand from wealthy countries to adopt babies from poorer countries puts a lot of pressure of the poorer countries to supply. Sadly, in result, families are torn apart and children are removed from their homes all for the sake of money. I came across these documents from Feministe that shares some disturbing truths of adoption stories in Vietnam. Vietnam used to be an adoption “hot spot”. Now they are closed. Experts have their eyes on the new “hot spots”, Nepal and Ethiopia. Let’s hope that the USCIS and US government offices within these countries and any other countries that might be suspected of adoption profiteering have learned how to better investigate and how to quickly recognize the warning signs that they experienced in Vietnam.

October 7, 2010 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , , , | 1 Comment